You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Plyometric and PNF Training

Plyometric training

This method of training improves your speed, strength and power. Its one of  the best type of training to enhance your all round sporting performance and keep you in peak condition. It is used to increase the speed or force of muscular contractions, providing explosiveness for a variety of sporting activities such as volleyball, football, rugby, track and field athletics and martial arts.
During a training session of plyometrics you destroy your muscle fibres and then afterwards along with a good diet and protein they grow back stronger. We did a circuit which involved jumping over benches with minimal landing time, doing press ups on spring boards, bunny hops with a medicine ball, jumping sequence over 4 hurdles and box jumping. The session wasn't meant to be tiring as such and you had to feel fresh before every stage. Therefore during it you didn't feel out of breathe, but 2 days after the training we experienced 'DOMS' which stands for delayed onset of muscle soreness, then we knew we had worked hard.

PNF Training

This method of training involves stretching. It is one of the most effective ways to improve your flexibility and increasing your range of motions. PNF training can be used for everyday life because flexibility is a health related component, but it improves a sporting performance and less risk of injury. PNF techniques can be both passive and active. There are lots of variations of this type of training but they all facilitate muscular inhibition.
In our session one stretch we did was to stretch our hamstrings. We placed our leg on our partners shoulder and pushed. We did this for each leg, pushing further every time until we felt pain. This type of training helped our muscles feel better after the plyometric training we did 2 days before.

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